Friday, 5 April 2013

RALPH! (Or as some might call it, vegan chocolate birthday cake!)

This is Ralph! The vegan chocolate cake I made for my sisters birthday. (Happy 23rd Abbie!!)

We may have personified him a little too much :S Felt a bit guilty while eating him... Had to mop up our tears with more bits of Ralph.

Yup... not my own. I didn't use their glaze recipe though, I just mixed icing sugar, cocoa, vanilla and vegan marg for that :) Also, I added soy milk instead of water in the cake, and more cider vinegar.

Ralph was decorated with dairy free chocolate buttons from Tesco.

Ralph was a special child... Named after a certain Simpsons character :) 

This is Ralph when he came out the oven.

I assembled Ralph by cutting off two bottom corners of the cake, cutting them in half and sandwiching them together to make the ears. I secured them with toothpicks.

More pics of Ralph :) 

My beautiful sister Abbie, lighting the ceremonial torches before sacrificing Ralph to our bellies.

No birthdays coming up?

Make it anyway...


  1. Looks great will have to try, thanks

  2. Love (I mean ) the Union Jack serviettes! The cake I'm not so sure about... ◕‿◕
